Every year San Diego Comic Con rolls around, its important to keep your eyes to the computer. This is especially true for TV Shows. While it seemed that super hero TV Shows might own SDCC, with shows such as Heroes Reborn and Supergirl on the roster , horror shows might of stole the whole convention. The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead and Ash vs Evil Dead all made appearances on Friday. Those who caught the panels left the convention halls salivating for more walkers and Deadites. Heres a look of whats to come for these promising shows:
The Walking Dead
The season finale didn’t end in a good place at the Alexandria safe zone for Rick and the crew. With Morgan back to challenge Rick’s position and the”Wolves” coming to take over Alexandria, the gang might never find a place to settle down. This season promises more walkers and more twist and turns than seasons past. The Walking Dead premieres October 11th on AMC!
Fear the Walking Dead
Fear the Walking Dead is the anticipated prequel to The Walking Dead. Focusing on a different group of survivors, Robert Kirman, creater of The Walking Dead, is adding a “1UP” to the TWD franchise. The show follows a disjointed family in LA trying to survive the beginning of the walker outbreak. The show premieres August 23 on AMC, nearly two months before The Walking Dead’s premiere date.
Ash vs Evil Dead
Fan boys rejoice. After 23 years, Bruce Campbell is back to play Deadite killing, wise cracking Ash! After years of avoiding his demon killing past, the Deadite’s are back to finish what they started. Being the only hope for the worlds survival, Ash must pick up his boomstick one last time to kill every Deadite that crosses his path. Creator of the Evil Dead film franchise, Sam Raimi, is back as Executive Producer for the new show. Ash vs Evil Dead premieres October 31st on Starz!