SPOILER ALERT: If you have not seen the series finale, do not read below.
After 208 episodes in nine seasons, How I Met Your Mother came to an end Monday night. The one-hour special finale to the popular sitcom upset many viewers. Fans took to Twitter afterwards to express their mixed reactions with the series finale.
The most controversial point of the final episode is that the mother, Tracy, was dead all along, as Ted was telling his children about her. Barney and Robin had one of TV’s longest weddings ever, which came to an end Monday night. After their divorce, the show makes a loop around to the first season with Ted chasing Robin with his blue french horn.
Such a sad #HIMYM finale. And by "sad", I mean terrible. And by terrible, I mean "wow, how many hours did I waste on this"?
— Michael C. Horowitz (@mchorowitz) April 1, 2014
The #HIMYMFinale was AMAZING! I have a great sense of closure and resolve from that final episode.
APRIL FOOLS! It sucked. #stillangry
— Denise Caputo (@dmcaputo) April 1, 2014
It wasn't how he met the mom it was about "How I Met Your Mother…she died, then I get with aunt robin" #HowIMetYourMotherFinalepisode
— Alexa Ray (@MisCaliGirl) April 1, 2014
Cant believe I waited 9 seasons to meet the mom and then they kill her off. Worst series episode ending EVER! So disappointed. #HIMYMFinale
— Alexa Ray (@MisCaliGirl) April 1, 2014
The ending to How I Met Your Mother was the worst in all time history of TV. I feel like that whole show was a scam. #HIMYMFinale #HIMYM
— Cristina West (@accinta) April 1, 2014