Lyft has had its fair share of sports icons take the driver seat. The transportation network has had NFL Hall of Famer Jerry Rice, race car drive Danica Patrick, Seattle Seahawks defensive back Richard Sherman, and now the LA Lakers legend Shaquille O’Neal.
The “big glow stache” went undercover in Atlanta, GA picking up “unsuspecting” riders. What some thought would be a regular car drive, turned out to be a fun and entertaining ride.
Shaq pulled out several disguises, including a french man who didn’t know french, a bracelet maker, and a cop. Some got the hint that their driver was the NBA legend when he expressed his disapproval for the Atlanta Hawks, Kobe Bryant, and criticizing a riders freestyle skills.
The former Laker even challenged some the riders with practicing their free throw shot and their singing skills. The rest you will have to see for yourself!
Watch Shaquille O’Neal’s Undercover Lyft below: