Twenty-one years after having the need for speed, Tom Cruise is getting back into the cockpit. No, I’m not talking about a sequel to Top Gun (which is in the works, BTW), but rather American Made, a new film that reunites him with Edge of Tomorrow filmmaker Doug Liman.
At this point in his career, Cruise has become the “American Jackie Chan,” seemingly game to do stunts that actors half his age wouldn’t dare do. Perhaps that’s why he is among the few top draws remaining in Hollywood. This fall, however, Cruise will headline a comedy-drama where he isn’t called to hang from a plane or battle a mummy.
American Made is described as an international escapade based on the unbelievable true story of Barry Seal, an airline pilot who finds himself working for the DEA, CIA, and Pablo Escobar.
Guns. Drugs. Money laundering. If it can be packaged, boxed, and flown, Barry is your guy.
Universal Pictures has released the first trailer as well as poster. Watch it below and tell us what you think.
American Made arrives in theaters September 29th.

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