Rumor has it Warner Brothers is pursuing their Lego Movie directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, to direct The Flash, while Sony is wanting the pair for Ghostbusters!
“We’ve heard a bit of a tug of war going on between Warner Bros. and Sony, which would like the same two directors for one of its big franchise movies,” said Latino Review’s El Mayimbe in a Meet The Movie Press podcast (watch at 20:25). “If Warner Bros. wanted them for The Flash, and Sony wanted them for a Ghostbusters movie, which would Lord and Miller do?”
Umberto Gonzalez (@ElMayimbe) broke the story on his Twitter account, writing, “Oh snap?! It leaked?! Yes. It’s true. I was sitting on it pending stronger confirmation. Yes, Lord & Miller are circling THE FLASH.”
Lord and Miller are both credited for the successful 21 Jump Street, its follow-up 22 Jump Street, The Lego Movie, as well as Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. They both previously turned down the opportunity to work on a Ghostbusters project back when it was slated to be a more explicit sequel, with the originals returning as mentors to a new generation. Indiewire believes that now that the project has more flexibility, Lord and Miller may be willing to reconsider.
When they turned down Ghostbusters 3, Lord said, “I think that there’s a good Ghostbusters movie out there. It’s such a fun franchise. Obviously, we don’t have the same attitude as people who hate stuff before it’s even made. It’s a fun idea and it’s a fun world and I think it will work.”
The Flash is slated to arrive in theaters sometime in 2018, while Ghostbusters is planning for an earlier debut. If the rumor were in fact true, this would give Lord and Miller a decent amount of time to direct the latter feature first.
Currently, the duo are producing Will Forte’s The Last Man On Earth and writing The Lego Movie Sequel, as well as producing two other Lego spin-offs.