Once described as the “Citizen Kane of bad movies” by Ross Morin, an assistant professor of film studies at St. Cloud State University, to Entertainment Weekly, 2003’s The Room has become a cult classic on account of its myriad of narrative flaws. Tommy Wiseau, who wrote, directed, produced, and starred in The Room called it a black comedy but most agree that it is a poorly made drama.
The whole ordeal was documented in Greg Sestero’s book, The Disaster Artist.
And now it is a movie starring James Franco as Wiseau and brother Dave Franco as Sestero. A24 picked up the rights after it killed at SXSW (where it received a standing ovation afterwards) with the intent on mounting an Oscar campaign for James Franco, who directs from a script written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, the duo who penned (500) Days of Summer and The Spectacular Now.
This is the second feature starring James Franco to be released by A24. The first was Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers where Franco played Alien, a drug and arms dealer.
The Disaster Artist will open in theaters beginning December 1, 2017 and will feature the likes of Alison Brie, Zoey Deutch, Lizzy Caplan, Zac Efron, Bryan Cranston, Dylan Minnette, Kristen Bell, Josh Hutcherson, Sharon Stone, Adam Scott, Judd Apatow, Kate Upton, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Jason Mantzoukas, J.J. Abrams, Hannibal Buress, and Zach Braff.

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