
The Fabelmans Interview: Steven Spielberg & Gabriel LaBelle

Inspired by Steven Spielberg’s own childhood, The Fabelmans is a coming-of-age story about a young boy named Sammy Fabelman. The film follows Sammy’s journey into filmmaking as he discovers the power of movies while dealing with a life-shattering family secret.

Gabriel LaBelle portrays Sammy Fabelman, who Steven Spielberg based on his younger self. Dave Morales had a chance to sit down with the legendary director and LaBelle to chat about the power of storytelling and The Fabelman.

Here’s just a short excerpt from Backstage OL’s interview with the great Steven Spielberg on why he loves storytelling and filmmaking. Be sure to check out the full interview on our Youtube page.

Steven Spielberg:

“Well I’ve been telling stories my entire life and when I’m not doing it with a camera around, I’m just verbally telling stories. I have seven children, and I’ve got six grandkids, the six grandkids are being raised the same way my seven kids were raised.

Whenever we’re together I just make up stories. I just love spinning yarns and it’s fun for me to be able to create something from whole cloth or something from thin air and just make it up and then spill it out and then get a reaction to it is just something I’ve done all my life.”

The Fabelmans starring Paul Dano, Michelle Williams, Seth Rogen, and Gabriel LaBelle releases in theaters on November 23, 2022. 

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