BackstageOL had a chance to catch up with Jaston Williams of Greater Tuna to talk about their new show “I Heard That!”.
“I Heard That!” starring Joe Sears and Jaston Williams will be playing at the The Grand 1894 Opera House in Galveston, TX from August 11-21st. The satire comedy show depicts situations ranging from testy marriages gone postal, beekeepers in search of a buzz, political hacks desperate for the next crazy issue, totalitarian dictators maxing out their credit cards, Civil War re-enactments gone bad and that out-sourced guy in India who can’t help you with your problem.
If you are in the area the Galveston area in the next month you should definitely check out the show!
The show will be playing on Tuesdays thru Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 2pm & 8pm and Sundays at 2pm & 7pm.
For tickets to the show go to The Grand 1894 Opera House at www.thegrand.com
Hear what Jaston Williams had to say: