After a year and a half of waiting, Rockstar has finally revealed Heists missions for Grand Theft Auto Online.
When asked why Heists have taken so long to make it into the game, GTA Online’s producer Imran Sarwar explained to IGN: “To be honest, [the Heists] just turned out to be a lot more difficult than we originally thought.”
“…As it turns out, creating missions of that complexity for multiple players at the same time was much more difficult than we anticipated and every time we thought we were close, something would send us back to square one. Having already let players know of our intentions with Heists, every setback only increased the pressure to make sure we got them right.”
Launching with “five unique strands involving over 20 total mission,” Imran explained that each heist would need 4 players, one as the selected heist leader, and all at rank 12 or above. In order to lead a heist, however, you will need to own a high-end apartment that offers enough room to set up a planning board, where you will then be able to embark on each mission.
While there is still no definite date set, the Heists update will come to the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One sometime early next year.
In the meantime, check out the new trailer for Heists below!