U.S. Representative Michael Grimm from New York’s 11th Congressional District is in some hot water today. Last night after the State of the Union Address, the Republican Congressman threatened to throw a reporter from NY1 over a balcony at the U.S. Capitol when asked about a federal investigation involving campaign finances.
After NY1 News reporter Michael Scotto tried to get Grimm to talk about the investigation, but refused, the Congressman then returned to confront the reporter while cameras were still rolling.
“Let me be clear to you . If you ever do that to me again I’ll throw you off this f***ing balcony,” U.S. Representative Grimm told Michael Scotto as the reporter was trying to warn the congressman they were still live.
“Why, why I just wanted to ask you…its a valid question,” Scotto asked. Some inaudible chatter is heard before Congressman Grimm replied, “No, no. You’re not man enough, you’re not man enough. I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.”
After the incident Scotto says that the Congressman did call him to apologize. “He said he ‘overreacted.’ I accepted his apology,” Scotto wrote via Twitter Wednesday morning. “I was not expecting that response,” the shocked reporter told the “Today” show this morning.