Singer Chris Brown has pleaded guilty to assault on Tuesday after hitting a man outside of a Washington hotel last October.
At the time of the arrest in Washington, Brown was on probation for the 2009 felony assault of former girlfriend Rihanna. Brown’s bodyguard, Christopher Hollosy, had already been convicted of assault after he admitted to punching 20-year-old Parker Adams outside of the Washington hotel. Brown at the time pleaded not guilty.
On Tuesday, the Grammy-winning singer pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and was sentenced to time served. Brown spent two days in a Washington D.C. jail for the case, and also spent time in a Los Angeles County jail earlier in the year for violating his parole by getting into an altercation in D.C.
Brown’s attorney, Danny Onorato, said that Brown has already served enough punishment for the assault incident that happened in D.C. Onorato argued that Brown received four months of inpatient counseling after his probation was revoked due to the incident and that this case has put Brown’s career on hold for nearly a year.
After Brown pleaded guilty, the singer briefly said: “I would like to say to the court that I’m sorry.” No further comments were added after he left the courtroom.