
Casey Kasem’s Children Fighting for Conservatorship

The three children of ailing radio icon Casey Kasem went to court Monday to seek a conservatorship over their father, hoping that legal action will help them end their bitter feud with step mom Jean Kasem.

The three children had lawyers file a petition in the Los Angeles Superior Court requesting visitation rights and control over the former radio star’s medical care.

The former host of American Top 40 is currently suffering from advance Parkinson’s and had begun losing his ability to speak over the past few years. Kasem’s children are claiming that their father’s wife had fired two caretakers and is not allowing visitation and they fear that the isolation is worsening his condition.

Up until three months ago, the 81-year-old had been seeing his children once a week. However, he would only be allowed to visit them at one of his children’s homes, in line with his wife’s wishes.

When Kasem’s children, along with former co-workers and relatives, showed up at his mansion gate holding signs saying, “Casey, we are your voice now,” Jean had proceeded to call police and refused to let them in.

“We’ve heard nothing, absolutely nothing from her, and we’re very worried,” Kerri continued, “My worst fear is that there’s neglect and isolation going on.”

“We were more than willing to go his house but we were never invited there. And the problem is, his condition is advancing and all we want is to see him, and we want nothing else from her,” one of his children said. “Our hope is that we band together and get a good outcome. The ideal situation would be to get visitation with my dad. He lights up when he sees his kids and his grandkids. We just want to be able to care for him during this time and give him a hug and put a smile on his face.”

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