Photo: People Magazine
The autopsy has been released and Coroner Suzanne Greenaway announced that soul diva Amy Winehouse died from excessive alcohol in her system on July 23, officially stated as “death by misadventure”.
Greenaway claims that due to Winehouse’s weeks long abstinence of alcohol the singer met “the unintended consequence of such potentially fatal levels (of alcohol)” and her death was “sudden and unexpected”.
The amount of alcohol found in her system was five times that of US or British legal standards. Winehouse’s blood level content was 416 milligrams per 100 milliliters, equating to a blood alcohol content of over 0.4 percent.
Police Detective Inspector Les Newman reported that three empty bottles of vodka were found in Winehouse’s bedroom at the time of her death.
Winehouse had been battling alcoholism and drug addiction before her death. “She’s made tremendous efforts over the years,” said Amy’s physician, Dr. Christina Romete.
Family spokesman Chris Goodsman announced that her family did attend today’s hearing but were not willing to talk to reporters. The family now has the relief “to finally find out what happened to Amy”.
Amy Winehouse was 27.